A Lutheran - Episcopalian Church
Living Grace Urbana
Inspired by Jesus Christ, Living Grace strives to be a welcoming community that will
love you, serve you, and care for you.
We Need YouR Superpowers
Your contributions of time, talents, and funds are greatly appreciated
This organization is primarily run by volunteers.
Greeter Group – The Greeter Group will help each week by setting up the “Welcome Table” at the back of the room, assisting attendees with signing in and finding their name badges, and welcoming visitors into worship. Members will rotate on a schedule based upon how many volunteers sign up. The Greeters are asked to arrive at 9am on their scheduled Sunday so that the table is prepared for when worshippers arrive. Following the worship service, the Greeters will pack up the “Welcome Table” items for storage. Onsite training will be provided in January 2025.
Altar Guild - Volunteers to assist in the set up of Sunday worship. People will assist in setting up the worship space, preparing the altar for communion, and helping to prepare communion elements for distribution. See Linda Kuntz to sign up.
Stage Crew - A term frequently used in the theater world, the Living Grace Stage Crew are people who help to move tables and chairs before and after the worship service. Stage Crew volunteers will rotate on a schedule based upon the number of people who sign up. Volunteers will need to arrive at the YMCA no later than 9am on their scheduled day and stay after worship to stack chairs and to assist in clean up.
Fourth Sunday Birthday Cupcake Squad - Sign up to bring cupcakes, cake, cookies, or use your imagination for the Fourth Sunday Family Fellowship where we celebrate monthly birthdays. Bake/Make your own or bring something from the store. See Pastor Kris to get on the list.
Cookie Brigade - We need additional volunteers for our Cookie Brigade. This group delivers a thank you note and a package of cookies and/or flowers to people the week following their visit. We need volunteers to both deliver cookies and to bake and package cookies. If you can help in either of these areas, please call Pastor Roberson at 240-285-7932.​​
Assisting Minister - Sometimes referred to as Lay Leaders in other churches, the Assisting Minister is the person who reads the prayers and lessons during worship, and assists the Pastor with communion. The texts are sent out a week in advance for Assisting Ministers to review and rehearse. AM’s will rotate on a schedule based upon how many volunteers sign up. A training session will occur in January 2025. ​​​